SSC – School Site Council 

      This committee is a decision making committee for the school. Members represent all stakeholder groups for one year with parent and school employee representatives having an equal number. The SSC makes decisions that affect the academic progress of all students at the school. The committee meets 6 times per year at the school site. 

Meetings are usually held on the last Wednesday of the month after school at 3:15 PM. 

Our current SSC members are: 

Chairperson: Andrea Price

Vice Chairperson: Rosa Sanchez

Secretary: Jennifer Wolcott (Teacher) 

Parliamentarian: Natalie Guerboian (Teacher)

LSLC – Local School Leadership Council 

     This committee makes recommendations to the SSC and also approves matters related to the school activities, equipment, general school budget, and professional development. Members must include the UTLA Chapter Chairperson and the School Principal as well as a representative from each stakeholder group. Members are elected for a two year term. 

Meetings are usually held on the last Wednesday of the month after school at 2:45 p.m. 

Our current LSLC members are: 

Co-Chairpersons: Judy Goitia (principal), Judy Hansen (UTLA Chairperson) 

Secretary: (Rotates on a monthly basis)

Members (teachers): Annie Sakai, Kristine Gamladzhyan, Ariana Levin

Member (classified): Tulang Van